
2023-03-16 08:24
2024-01-14 16:16

FAQ の英語

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) FAQs | Messaging Service | AWS を参考に技術的な FAQ によくある表現をまとめる



  • A とはなんですか: What is A?
    • What is Amazon SNS?
  • A で実施可能な操作はなんですか: What are the available operations for A?
    • What are the available operations for Amazon SNS and who can perform these operations?


  • A は B と比べてどんな違いがありますか: How is A difference from B?
    • How is Amazon SNS difference from Amazon MQ?
    • How is Amazon SNS difference from Amazon SQS?
  • V するためにはどうしたらよいですか: How can I V? / How do I V? / How will S V?
    • How can I fanout identical messages to multiple SQS queue?
    • How can users secure the messages set to my topics?
    • How does a topic owner give access to subscribers?
    • How does Amazon SNS validate a subscription request to ensure that notifications will not be sent to - How will Amazon SNS authenticate API calls? users as spam?
    • [TODO] How can S V ...? vs How does S V ...? vs How will S V ...?
  • V するためには A にどのような設定が必要ですか: How would I (a developer) setup A to V?
    • How would a developer setup an Amazon SQS queue to receive Amazon SNS notifications ?


  • (どんなときに A を使うべきで) どんなときに B を使うべきですか: When should I use A and when should I use B?
    • When should I uses SNS FIFO topics and when should I use Kinesis Data Streams?


  • 誰が V できますか: Who can V?
    • Who can create a topic?
    • Who can cahnge permissions on a topic?


  • A は (B で) サポートされてますか: Is A supported (in B)?
    • Is Amazon SNS supported in the AWS Management Console?
  • A を得ることはできますか: Can I get A?
    • Can I get a history of SNS API calls made on my account for security analysis and operational troubleshooting purposes?
  • A が V2 をするために V1 する必要はありますか: Do A need to V1 ... to V2? / Do A have to V1 to V2?
    • Do subscribers need t specifically configure their email settings to receive notifications from Amazon SNS?
    • Do publishers have to sign messages as well?



  • Thank you as always.
  • Thank you for always ...ing
    • Thank you for always being a great support.


  • Thank you for that.


お忙しいところ恐れ入りますが ...

  • I'm sorry to bother you, but ...
  • I'm sorry to bother you when you are very busy, but ...
  • I'm very sorry to bother you while you are busy, but ...
  • I'm sorry for bothering you, but ...
  • I'm sorry to disturb you, but ...
  • I'm sorry to trouble you when you are busy, but ...
  • I know you are very busy, but ...
  • I'm sorry to ask ... of you when you are busy, but ...


  • Hope to hear from you soon.
  • I look forward to hearing from you.
  • I look forward to hearing back from you.
  • I look forward to your reply.


  • We look forward to hear further update for ...


  • Please do not hesitate to decline my request if you are unavailable.



  • I think ...


  • I believe ...
  • I'm sure ...


  • I would say ...
  • It seems to me that ...
  • I'm afraid that ...
  • I was thinking that ...
  • I thought ...
  • I understand ...



  • Could you please tell me the current status of this.
  • (We/I) would like to know the current status of this.


  • Please correct me if I am wrong.
  • If I misunderstood, please correct me.
  • If I misunderstood, please tell me.


  • Please let me know if you need more information.


  • Please feel free to ping if you need further help.




  • I would appreciate it if you could ...
  • Could you please ...


... についてご連絡しています


  • Please consider your purchase based on the above points.



  • at: 時の一点を表す (at night, at noon, at 7:30 AM)
  • on: 特定の日付/曜日を表す (on Monday, on that day, on September 21)
  • in: やや長い期間を表す (in December, in 2021, in summer, in 17 century)


参考文献: about と around の違い | 英語イメージリンク

at approximately から順にアバウトさが大きくなるイメージとのこと

  • at approximately: ほぼ 3 時(前後 1〜2 分程度)
  • at about: ほぼ 3 時ごろ(前後 5 分程度)
  • around: だいたい 3 時ごろ(前後 10 分程度)


  • Could you hold my bags before check-in time?




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