whow って何が違うのかよくわからなかったので man で確認した

who コマンド

$ man who
       who - show who is logged on


$ who
ec2-user pts/0        2019-02-03 15:26 (xx.xx.xx.xx)
ec2-user pts/1        2019-02-03 15:26 (xx.xx.xx.xx)

w コマンド

$ man w
       w - Show who is logged on and what they are doing.

$ w
 15:30:18 up 60 days, 10:17,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
ec2-user pts/0    xx.xx.xx.xx      15:26    4:17   0.00s  0.00s -bash
ec2-user pts/1    xx.xx.xx.xx      15:26    1.00s  0.01s  0.00s w


  • w だとユーザーが何してんのとかわかる
  • あと uptime や load average とかもでる

参考: What is the difference between Unix's 'w' and 'who' commands? - Quora


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