Quick Start | GatsbyJS を見ながら進めれば難なくできます
npm install -g gatsby-cli gatsby new gatsby-site cd gatsby-site # Start development server. gatsby develop # Create a production build. gatsby build # Serve the production build locally. gatsby serve
How Gatsby Works with GitHub Pages | GatsbyJS を見るとわかりやすい
gh-pages をインストールする
yarn add --dev gh-pages
yarn deploy でデプロイできるように以下を追加
{ "scripts": { ... "deploy": "gatsby build && gh-pages -d public -b master", } }
Using the Static folder | GatsbyJS をみる
Adding page metadata | GatsbyJS をみる
yarn add gatsby-plugin-react-helmet react-helmet
gatsby-config.js に以下を追加
{ plugins: [`gatsby-plugin-react-helmet`] }
より実践的な OGP や Twitter カードの設定などは Adding an SEO component | GatsbyJS を参照
nygardk/react-share: Social media share buttons and share counts for React を使うと手軽
npm install react-share --save
import { FacebookShareButton, LinkedinShareButton, TwitterShareButton, TelegramShareButton, WhatsappShareButton, PinterestShareButton, VKShareButton, OKShareButton, RedditShareButton, TumblrShareButton, LivejournalShareButton, MailruShareButton, ViberShareButton, WorkplaceShareButton, LineShareButton, PocketShareButton, InstapaperShareButton, EmailShareButton, } from 'react-share';
ウェブ界隈でエンジニアとして労働活動に励んでいる @gomi_ningen 個人のブログです