No. The director says that the impact of this change will be minimal since he only needs to make some revisions to the narration.
minumal: 多少の影響
minuscule: ほぼ影響ない
A company is going to merge with B company.
We are here at A company and just found out that there will be a merger with B Company soon.
伝えたい内容は後半の there will be 句なので自制の一致が破られる
We have ordered some work from them, but we have not signed any contract or paid anything. There will be no legl repercussions if we cancel the work, right?
repercussions: 波紋・余波(語源 - cuss: 叩く)
This has bad repercussions.: これは(あとに)響く。
With all due respect: 恐縮ですが
it turned out => 隠された状態がターンして中身が見えるので「明らかになる」という意味を持つ
would you be open to -ing: 〜ということにしてもよいですか?
it doesn't match the product: 製品にあっていない(あっていないが、お前が悪いという印象を与えない)
We have an interview request that would be great PR => will be だと確信をもって「良い PR になる」 とつたえることいになる
We have ... request という表現も良いな〜
We can't give you too much more information at this stage
at this stage => 現時点では
Trust me, it will be a helpful, cutting-edge product.